Enpresa Berriak

Gatzaren korrosioa eta proba


1. Gatzaren korrosioa

Corrosion is the destruction or deterioration of materials or their properties caused by the environment. Most of the corrosion occurs in the atmospheric environment. The atmosphere contains corrosive components and factors such as oxygen, humidity, temperature changes, and pollutants. Salt spray corrosion is a common and most destructive atmospheric corrosion. The salt fog mentioned here refers to the atmosphere of chloride. Its main corrosion component is the chloride salt in the ocean-sodium chloride, which mainly comes from the ocean and the inland saline area. The corrosion of the metal material surface caused by salt spray is caused by the electrochemical reaction of the contained chloride ions through the oxide layer and the protective layer on the metal surface and the internal metal. At the same time, the chloride ion contains a certain hydration energy, which is easily dissipated by the pores and cracks adsorbed on the metal surface and replaces the oxygen in the chloride layer, turning the insoluble oxide into soluble chloride, making the passive surface active surface. Causes a bad reaction to the product.
2. Gatz-ihintza proba eta benetakoarekin duen erlazioa
Salt spray test ingurumen-proba bat da, batez ere artifizialki simulatutako gatz spray-ekipoek sortutako ingurune-baldintzak erabiltzen dituena, produktuen edo metalezko materialen korrosioarekiko erresistentzia ebaluatzeko. Bi kategoriatan banatzen da, bata ingurune naturalaren esposizioaren proba da, eta bestea, azeleratu artifizialaren simulaziozko gatz-giroaren inguruko proba. Simulatutako gatz-ihinztadura artifizialaren ingurunearen proba gatz-bolumenaren proba-kutxa bat erabiltzea da, espazio-bolumen jakin batekin, produktuaren gatz-ihinztatzearen korrosioarekiko erresistentzia kalitatea probatzeko, bere bolumen-espazioan eskuzko metodo bat erabiliz, gatz-espray ingurunea sortzeko. . Ingurune naturalarekin alderatuta, gatz ihinztatutako ingurunean kloruroaren gatz-kontzentrazioa nat orokorraren hainbat aldiz edo hamarnaka aldiz izan daiteke.
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